U.S. may recall, ADAC Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club in 2007 in the European market near Brilliance BS6 (Zun Chi) Reference of the European NCAP crash test standards, resulting in appalling - only one star score. Shortly afterwards, Brilliance again improved portability Zun Chi participated in the EURO NCAP European laboratory, one of the six official - Spain IDIADA National Laboratory-led crash test, and received a qualified rating Samsung.

Recently, ADAC again Brilliance BS4 (Junjie) conducted a crash test, with the last difference is that the ADAC are adopted more stringent standards for new Europe NACP, while the new standards will ESP Electronic Stability Program as the standard devices, but also pedestrian protection as a standard measure of coefficient parameters.

Photos from the scene of collisions can be seen, BS4 to at 64KM / H rate of 40% offset frontal crash test conducted by Medium, A-chu happen only a slight deformation, but also smaller displacement meter Units, compared the results before the collision BS6 , BS4 achieved remarkable progress. At scoring, the new Junjie frontal impact rating of 9 (out of 16), Side Impact score of 13 (out of 18), seat belt reminder device (out of 3), so Junjie scored 22 (out of 37). According to ADAC standard 1-1 is divided into 8 stars ,9-16 is divided into capella ,17-24 is divided into three 25-32 sub-divided into four five-star ,33-37. Junjie Samsung should have standards, I regret that because of BS4 because of a lack of active safety technology, especially the ESP, and seat belt reminder device, BS4 score only zero stars.

Anyway, BS4 vis-à-vis European competitors in the security performance is still inadequate, especially in the active safety devices. And we can even hope hope Brilliance BS4 effective to take measures to improve the safety design and new design in the future effectively improve safety standards for Chinese and foreign consumers with safer products.